Case Study:Problems with the WP 2.7 theme uploader

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When a client came to me with theme upload problems I had to get old school to fix the issue.
Photo by joeshlabotnik
Photo by joeshlabotnik

A client approached me asking to help him install a theme.

The Problem

The theme was failing with the following error when he attempted to upload the zip file.

Folder already exists.: Please Read This First – Double Here To Read ME.txt

I think my client was attempting the upload using the new theme upload function in wordpress 2.7.

My Solution

I have not used the upload theme function in wordpress 2.7, I am sooo 2.6 when is comes to themes so I planned to unpack the theme and FTP it to the wp-content directory and then activate the theme. This is where I found the problem.

The theme was packaged with several colour variations and three plugins to make it work.  In other words instead of a single theme, there were 6 or more themes plus several plugins all packaged together.

I assumed therefore that the theme upload function cannot handle multiple themes and plugins.  I uploaded the files manually using my ftp client, activcated the plugins and set one of hte themes as teh active one.

The client went away happy that his newly created blog was ready to tell the world and his friends about me.

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